Quickfile Foreign Currency Account Adjuster

Quickfile keeps track of the GBP equivalent value of transactions on foreign currency accounts using the exchange rate on the date of the transaction. This means that if you pay $120 into a US-dollar account when the exchange rate was $1.25/£ (so it is worth £96), and take it out again when the exchange rate is $1.20/£ (so it is worth £100), then Quickfile will show a value of £4 on the balance sheet, even though the US-dollar balance is zero.

Quickfile allows you to use the "(7902) Currency Charges" ledger to account for this, but you have to manually enter the details, as described on the invoicing in foreign currencies page. However, this requires that you manually calculate the adjustment.

The Quickfile Foreign Currency Account Adjuster allows you to automatically enter this adjustment at the click of a button. Just choose the date and the foreign currency account, and the relevant journal entries will be added for you.
